I got into radio around the age of 10, it was an old 23 channel C.B I had found in Dads shed, from that day on I was hooked. After years of being on the C.B I got into GMRS and in and out of Amateur Radio. Recently in 2021 some friends and I got back into Amateur Radio and we went from Tech to Extra.
Although I still have a few C.B base and mobile setups and always listening in, you will find me most likely on the Amateur Bands these days including DMR (usually TGIF Network TG2021 Free Speech Radio or TG8761 The American Legion Amateur Radio Club)
Restacked the roll around rack, cleaned it up a bit and made it more functional, still a bit more work to do to it.
Put the SDR receiver online for remote access, just running the MLA30 powered loop. SDR Console 3 is how you can access it and use it. A list of available servers online can be found here onairv3.sdrspace.com/onair.htm
We now have 3 radios running on RemoteHams for access, our Icom7300, 7100, and now the 746 with the 735 soon to follow.
Remoting into the 746 from work, LOVE IT!
Join us every Saturday night for the Old Tube Radio Network
check them out at http://oldtuberadio.net/
Or join the net via EchoLink